Chemistry, full-time, second cycle

In power from: 12 Feb 2019

Registration criteria

Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas

The programme is open to all international and Polish applicants. Eligible for admission are holders of a bachelor, master, engineer or equivalent degree in any discipline as well as document acknowledging candidate's sufficient proficiency in English (B2 level).

For candidates who have completed their studies in the area of science or life science, qualification is based on his/her GPA obtained during previous studies.

For candidates who have completed their studies in the area of knowledge other than science or life science recruitment consists of two stages. In the first stage, candidates have to take part in the interview in English.

During the interview, the candidate discusses issues selected by the Admission Committee from the list previously published in the system of Internet Registration of Candidates.

Obtaining satisfactory grade during the interview is a prerequisite for admission to the second stage of recruitment, which runs the same for all candidates and is based on candidates’ GPAs obtained during previous studies.

Exam issues for a second-cycle study in Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Organic chemistry and biochemistry

Physical and theoretical chemistry

Chemical technology and elements of biotechnology


Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas

Candidates are qualified on the same rules as applicable to candidates with Polish diplomas

Information on documents certifying knowledge of English language. >> Check! <<



Date of interview: 11th of July, 2019

Announcement of results: 19th of July, 2019

Reception of documents:



Application fee

Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

Find us on the map: Faculty of Chemistry