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Degree programmes (first-cycle,second-cycle, long-cycle) - 2019/2020

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Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners, full-time, second cycle

Code S2-GPTE
Organizational unit Faculty of Education
Field of studies Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Second cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Minimum number of students 15
Admission limit 20
Duration 2 years
WWW address
Required document
  • Higher education
There is currently no active phase.

(show past turns)
  • Field of Social Sciences; discipline: Pedagogy
  • Field of the Humanities; discipline: Linguistics.
  • Leading discipline: Pedagogy

Programme description

A unique approach of this program is found in combining the preparation for the profession of both language and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teacher. Students have the opportunity to learn about language education as well as the basics of teaching natural sciences, mathematics, art, music and physical education in integrated education through the use of English. In addition, students will gain knowledge about bilingual education in Europe and around the world, together with comparing educational programs in different international contexts.

An important element of this course is the combination of practice and theory, which is possible, among other elements, also thanks to organizing many study visits to international and bilingual schools in Poland. Students also participate in continuous pedagogical internship in specially selected schools and preschools, both public and private, in which they become acquainted with various approaches to early language teaching and CLIL approach. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in international projects of both didactic and research nature led by the Faculty of Pedagogy.

All courses are conducted in English. During the course of study students have the opportunity to improve English especially in the area of academic and classroom language. Academic classes take place in small groups of international students, and are conducted with the use of modern technologies, for example to prepare a teacher's portfolio. Classes are taught by Polish and foreign lecturers and practitioners.

Psychological, pedagogical and didactic preparation for the teaching profession in the field of English in preschool and at the first stage of education in primary school is an element of the study program.

Classes take place mainly in the Faculty building (16/20 Mokotowska St.) from Mondays to Fridays according to the academic calendar.

Internships take place in primary schools, both public and non-public, located in Warsaw and the surrounding area, in grades 1-3. Supervision over the course of the internship is carried out by an employee of the Department who is also responsible for the recruitment of and cooperation with mentor-teachers of students in the schools in which the internships take place. They last from the beginning of July to the end of May, both in the first and second year.

All information regarding the study program can be found on the Faculty's website:;

Profile of the graduate

The graduate has obtained theoretical and practical preparation in general education, second language acquisition and English language teaching. She/he received university level education offered in English aimed at preparing novice teachers for pedagogical challenges through reflection and research in the field of language, bilingual and primary education, as well as the culture of English speaking countries. The graduate of this course is prepared to work as an English language teacher in preschool as well as early primary school level (grades 1-3) in diverse cultural and language teaching contexts, including bilingual preschools and primary schools. She/he obtained a wide theoretical and practical preparation to teaching using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). In this course, a key element in the preparation for the teaching profession is developing the ability to reflect and inquire

The graduate has obtained all necessary qualifications to pursue Doctorale Schools.


Zasady kwalifikacji dla kandydatów z dyplomem polskim

Studia przeznaczone są dla osób z tytułem zawodowym licencjata, magistra lub inżyniera.

Kandydaci na studia stacjonarne II stopnia kwalifikowani są na studia na podstawie oceny na dyplomie i średniej z toku studiów.

Od kandydatów wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie min C1.

Podstawą kwalifikacji jest średnia ocen z całego toku studiów I stopnia lub jednolitych studiów magisterskich lub studiów II stopnia oraz konkurs dyplomów – ocena na dyplomie. Wynik końcowy kandydata oblicza się w następujący sposób:

W = Od + Śr


W - ostateczny wynik kandydata
Od - ocena na dyplomie
Śr - średnia ocen z całego toku studiów


Zasady kwalifikacji dla kandydatów z dyplomem zagranicznym

Obowiązują takie same zasady, jak dla kandydatów z dyplomem uzyskanym w Polsce.



Ogłoszenie wyników: 20 września 2019 r.

Przyjmowanie dokumentów: 

  • I termin: 23-24.09.2019, godz. 9.00-14.00
  • II termin: 25-26.09.2019, godz. 9.00-13.00
  • III termin: 27 i 30.09.2019, godz. 9.00-13.00


Opłata rekrutacyjna (w tym opłaty wnoszone za granicą)

Opłata za wydanie legitymacji studenckiej (ELS)


Wymagane dokumenty

Lista dokumentów wymaganych do złożenia w formie papierowej w przypadku zakwalifikowania na studia


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