Environmental Management, full-time, second cycle

In power from: 1 Mar 2019

Registration criteria

Admission rules for candidates with Polish diplomas

A prerequisite for joining the admission procedure is to have any degree "licencjat", B.A., B.Sc., "magister", M.A., M.Sc., engineer or equivalent degree. Qualification procedure is based on the interview in English, which examines the candidate's knowledge in the field of undergraduate programme in one of the following disciplines: biology, chemistry or management science. Admission Committee can allocate maximum 40 points. The minimum number of credits eligible for admission is 20. All candidates who have obtained at least 20 points are placed in the ranking list, according to the decreasing number of points. Limit of places determines the position of the last of the accepted candidates.


Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas

The admissions criteria are the same as for candidates with Polish diplomas.



Date of qualification interview: 9th-11th of September, 2019

Announcement of results: 18th of September, 2019

Reception of documents:



Application fee

Student's ID payment (ELS)

The studies are payable - tuition fees


Required documents

List of required documents submitted by candidates qualified for studies


Additional information

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