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Admission for Doctoral Schools 2019/2020

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Code 2-SzD-NS-Psych
Organizational unit Doctoral School of Social Sciences
Field of studies -, Psychology
Form of studies Full-time
Language(s) of instruction English, Polish
Admission limit 9
Duration 4 years
Office opening hours Krakowskie Przedmieście 1
00-047 Warszawa
tel: 22 55 20 264
poniedziałek-piątek 10:00-14:00
WWW address
Required document
  • Higher education
  Ask a question
There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (01.06.2019 00:01 – 05.07.2019 23:59)



Schedule of the Doctoral School enrolment procedure:registration in IRK:

  • registration in IRK: from 1 June 2019 to 5 July 2019;
  • acceptance of documents: from 1 June 2019 to 8 July 2019;
  • first stage of the selection procedure (evaluation of submitted projects): from 8 July 2019 to 13 July 2019; this period may be extended (if there is a large number of candidates) until 19 July 2019;
  • interviews: 15–26 July 2019;
  • publication of the ranking list: by 2 August 2019;
  • publication of the list of persons admitted to the Doctoral School: 17 September 2019.

Recruitment fee

150 PLN

Form of the selection procedure:

Two-stage procedure:

Stage I: evaluation of the research project and the completeness of documents;

Stage II: an interview and evaluation of the candidate’s experience and scientific achievements. The interview shall not include an examination.

Language of the enrolment procedure, including interviews:

The interview shall be conducted in Polish with elements of English or entirely in English as chosen by the candidate.

Required documents:

  1. the application generated in IRK, stating the subject-matter of the application, including the chosen discipline in which the candidate plans to pursue education, PESEL [Personal Identification Number] or passport number, nationality, contact details (address, e-mail address, telephone number), information whether the candidate gives their consent to receive administrative decisions by electronic means and signature;
  2. a diploma of completion of the long-cycle Master’s degree programme or second-cycle programme or an equivalent diploma obtained under separate regulations, or a declaration that the diploma or certificate of obtaining a Master’s degree shall be provided by 16 September 2019; if the diploma or certificate is not provided by this date, the selection committee shall refuse to admit the candidate to the Doctoral School;
  3. a resumé or curriculum vitae containing information about the candidate’s scientific interests and scientific activity from 1 October 2014 onwards, subject to § 18 section 7, in particular publications, research work in scientific associations, participation in scientific conferences, participation in research projects, awards, distinctions, research internships and possible recommendations from academics;
  4. documents confirming the command of foreign languages and a declaration about the command of English to the extent enabling the education in the Doctoral School;
  5. a description of the initial research project proposal (maximum 1,800 words and a bibliography);
  6. a declaration of the planned supervisor about their willingness to be the candidate’s supervisor if the candidate is entered on the list of doctoral students and about the number of doctoral students for whom they are the designated supervisor;
  7. one photograph;
  8. consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure.

Evaluation criteria and method:

Research project (maximum number of points: 40)

The following shall be taken into account when evaluating the project:

  • definition of the research problem (e.g. objective, research questions, hypotheses) (0–10 points);
  • appropriateness of the proposed methods (0–10 points);
  • setting the project in the context of existing research and knowledge of literature (0–10 points);
  • originality of the proposed issues and methodology (0–10 points).

Scientific achievements to date – maximum 20 points

The following shall be taken into account when evaluating scientific achievements:

  • active participation in scientific conferences (e.g. paper presentation, poster presentation) (0–4 points);
  • participation in research projects (0–5 points);
  • scientific and popular science publications (0–6 points);
  • science-related organisational activities (e.g. involvement in scientific associations, organisation of conferences) (0–2 points);
  • academic internships, scholarships, awards received in connection with scientific activities (0–3 points).

In the case of multi-author achievements, the percentage share of the candidate in the achievement must be defined.

Interview (maximum number of points: 40)

The following shall be taken into account when determining the result of the interview:

  • qualitative assessment of the interview on the research project (0–20 points);
  • knowledge of the subject, substantive knowledge, linguistic correctness and the ability to use a scientific language appropriate for the discipline in which the education is to be provided (0–20 points).

To be admitted to the Doctoral School, the candidate has to obtain at least 20 points for the interview.

Exam dates    

Days: 23-24 July
Hours: 9 AM - 4 PM
Place: Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, ul. Stawki 5/7, Faculty Council room, No. 74, 2nd floor

Schedule of the second stage of recruitment to the Doctoral School of Social Sciences in the field of psychology in the academic year 20019/20


Education program

The education lasts 4 years. It includes obligatory classes (no more than 240 hours in total during the whole period of education) and the implementation of an individual research program, carried out under the supervision of a supervisor. Beginning of education - October 1, 2019.


The doctoral student works under the direction of the supervisor. The supervisor's selection declaration should be submitted at the time of submitting recruitment documents.  

On the Doctoral Schools website you will find a list of potential supervisors -


During the four years of study, each PhD student receives a scholarship in the amount of PLN 2371.70 for the first two years of studies (before the mid-term evaluation) and PLN 3653.70 in the next two years after the mid-term evaluation. Supplement for people with disabilities: PLN 711,51.