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Admission for Doctoral Schools 2019/2020

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The University of Warsaw, established in the year 1816, is the best and largest school of higher education in Poland. We are distinguished by high quality education, qualified academics and a rich research and didactic infrastructure.


Registration phases


  • Language(s) of instruction

  • Organizational units

No. Offer Phase 1 Phase 2
26 Nauki Fizyczne - Dynamiczne deformacje sprężystych włókien w lepkich cieczach from: 01.10.2019 00:01
to: 15.10.2019 23:59
27 Nauki Fizyczne - Jonizacja i rekombinacja w silnych impulsach laserowych poza przybliżeniem dipolowym from: 23.10.2019 00:01
to: 06.11.2019 23:59
28 Nauki Fizyczne - Platforma do szybkiego, bezznacznikowego obrazowania, identyfikacji i sortowania podtypów komórek białaczkowych from: 01.10.2019 00:01
to: 02.11.2019 23:59
29 Nauki Fizyczne - Spatiotemporal photon correlation measurements for quantum metrology and super-resolution microscopy from: 24.09.2019 00:01
to: 01.10.2019 23:59
30 Nauki Informatyczne - Konflikty z wieloma polami bitew i dyskretnymi zasobami from: 18.09.2019 12:01
to: 04.10.2019 23:59
31 Pedagogy from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
32 Philosophy from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
33 Physical Sciences from: 23.05.2019 00:01
to: 21.06.2019 23:59
34 Physical Sciences - Quantum engineering of novel ultracold complex molecular systems: from diatomic to polyatomic molecules from: 18.09.2019 12:01
to: 01.10.2019 23:59
35 Political and Administration Science from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
36 Projekt Badawczy pt. „Mowa pogardy. Psychologiczne mechanizmy rozprzestrzeniania się agresji werbalnej wobec grup mniejszościowych” from: 01.07.2019 00:01
to: 13.09.2022 23:59
37 Psychology from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
38 Quantitative Psychology and Economics from: 06.05.2019 00:01
to: 10.06.2019 23:59
from: 01.07.2019 00:01
to: 22.07.2019 23:59
39 Safety Studies from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
40 Social Communication and Media Studies from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
41 Socio-Economic Geography and Land Management from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
42 Sociology from: 01.06.2019 00:01
to: 05.07.2019 23:59
43 Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science from: 23.05.2019 00:01
to: 21.06.2022 23:59
Pages: 1, 2
page length
Page length: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200